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Common Name
Latin Name
Size (minimum to maximum feet)
Abutilon grandifolium sweet abutilon
Henryi Ivy Leaved Maple
Acer cissifolium subsp. henryi
20 feet to 30 feet
Fernleaf Yarrow
Achillea fillipendulina
24 inches to 48 inches
Arkansas Amsonia
Amsonia hubrichtii
24 inches to 36 inches
Anigozanthos spp Yellow Gem
Yellow Chamomile, Golden Marguertie
Anthemis or Cota tinctoria
2 feet
Begonia hybrida BabyWing™ White Bronze Leaf
bellis perennis
Bracteantha bracteatum Dreamtime Yellow Jumbo Strawflower
Carolina Allspice
Calycanthus floridus
5 feet to 9 feet
Roi Humbert
Canna Roi Humbert
Chelidonium majus
Chrysopsis villosa
XXL Chiapas Dahlia
Dahlia 'XXL Chiapas'
8 inches to 14 inches
XXL Durango Dahlia
Dahlia 'XXL Durango'
18 inches to 24 inches
Dahlia hybrid
dieles grandiflora
Trout Lily
Erythronium americanum
3 inches to 6 inches
Bush Daisy
Euryops pectinatus
Golden Bells Forsythia
Forsythia x intermedia 'Golden Bells'
5 feet to 7 feet
'Dakota Gold'
Helenium amarum 'Dakota Gold'
Mardi Gras Sneezeweed
Helenium x 'Mardi Gras'
3 feet to 4 feet
Woodland Sunflower
Helianthus divaricatus
2 feet to 6 feet
False Sunflower, Oxeye
Heliopsis helianthoides
36 inches to 48 inches
Blue Velvet St. Johnswort
Hypericum kalmianum 'Blue Velvet'™
2 feet to 3 feet
Yellow Star Grass
Hypoxis hirsuta
Japanese Kerria
Kerria japonica
3 feet to 6 feet
Luscious® Lemonade Lantana
Lantana Luscious® Lemonade
New Gold lantana
Lantana New Gold
Lantana camara Landmark Rose Sunrise
Lantana camara New Gold
Lathyrus praetensis fuglaertur
Shasta Daisy
Leucanthemum superbum
24 inches to 36 inches
Becky Shasta Daisy
Leucanthemum x superbum 'Becky'
30 inches to 40 inches
Tulip Poplar or Tuliptree
Liriodendron tulipifera
50 feet to 70 feet
Osage Orange
Maclura pomifera
40 feet to 60 feet
Persian Parrotia
Parrotia persica
20 feet to 40 feet
Swamp White Oak
Quercus bicolor
50 feet to 70 feet
Prairie Coneflower or Mexican Hat Flower
Ratibida pinnata
30 inches to 40 inches
Goldsturm Brown Eyed Susan
Rudbeckia fulgida 'Goldsturm'
2 feet to 3 feet
Black-Eyed Susan
Rudbeckia hirta pulcherrima
24 inches to 36 inches
Yellow Trumpetbush, Yellow Bells
Tecoma stans
Zinnia angustifolia
12 inches
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