New! PlantPlaces.com Android. Create your own GPS plant collection. Search plants by color, using your phone's camera. Get it here, right now, for free!
The markers on the map below show the location of plants that are catalogued on www.PlantPlaces.com and affiliated sites. Click on a marker to view more details about the plant at the marker location. The marker will display the latin and common names for the plant, and a link to view pictures and more details about the plant.
To move the map to a different location, simply hover your mouse pointer over the map, click and hold the left mouse button, and move the mouse to place the map in the desired position.
New Feature! PlantPlaces.com now has plants identified with GPS inside certain locations! See the internal maps here.
By default, this map is centered at the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Gardens. To re-center the map on a different address, simply enter an address below and click the "Recenter" button.
Select any of the markers on this map to see more information.

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